Road Traffic Accidents

We at Inaaya appreciate with over 37 million vehicles on the road, accidents are likely to happen. We are proud to say we have a wealth of experience in dealing with road traffic incidents and our lawyers are equipped with the skills required to first, provide you with all the help and support you need and second deal with all related third parties, in order to get the outcome you deserve.

If you have been in the unfortunate position of being involved in an accident with an uninsured or untraced driver, you may still be to pursue a claim.

Founded in 1946, The MIB is an organisation, funded by insurance companies to compensate victims of negligent, uninsured and untraced motorists.

If you’ve been injured in an accident with an uninsured or untraced driver our team of experts are here to help. We have extensive experience dealing with these claims. Speak to us today for a free consultation, to see if you can make a claim.

You may be entitled to :

Costs relating to replacement or repair of vehicle
Monetary losses
Personal injury or discomfort
Any rehabilitation or treatment

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